Unlocking legal insights: a compelling talking head video with The Legal 500

Discover valuable legal insights in this talking head video featuring Tim Girvan, editor of The Legal 500. Kidd Aitken's expert video production agency shares behind-the-scenes preparations and engaging content for international law firms.

The brief

Great guests play a crucial role in creating a compelling talking head video. However, there's more to it than meets the eye. Behind the scenes, there's meticulous preparation, thoughtful interviews, precise recording, and skilled editing that contribute to the success of a talking head video.

Kidd Aitken, the world's largest legal directory firm, collaborates closely with The Legal 500. To provide valuable advice to clients, Jacob Aitken, the founder of Kidd Aitken, extended an invitation to Tim Girvan, the editor of The Legal 500, to participate in a talking head video.

As Kidd Aitken's trusted video production agency, we were tasked with preparing the interviewees, designing the video concept, arranging the logistics, recording the content, post-production and promotion of the final talking head video.

The solution

We work as an integrated part of Kidd Aitken, leveraging our deep knowledge and insights into their business. This allows us to function as an extension of their team. We conducted extensive briefings with both Tim and Jacob, addressing all questions and concerns. This meticulous preparation ensured that everyone involved was well-prepared and at ease when it came time to record the video.

The results

The final interview underwent meticulous post-production and editing to ensure the highest quality. Full permission was received and we successfully promoted the video across Kidd Aitken’s social media channels, website and in Legal Marketing World – a publication that we also produce. Tim’s interview stands as highly valuable content for Kidd Aitken’s international law firm clients, offering profound insights into The Legal 500’s  process for achieving successful law firm rankings.