May 30, 2024

Why you need B2B video marketing

Why is the production of B2B video marketing so important for any effective strategy today? Find out in our latest blog post.

Why you need B2B video marketing

First came the dawn of YouTube in 2005, and their purchase by Google in 2006.

Then, smartphones leapt into our hands.

Some years down the line, the pandemic exponentially boosted and cemented our online media consumption.

Today, video content is commonplace in our lives.

The technology to create and consume quality video content continues to evolve. With marketers riding the waves, video has become a key form of communication today.

What can B2B video marketing do for your business?

1. B2B video helps communicate complex information.

B2B products tend to be more complex than B2C — they’re far more likely to be niche or difficult to understand. Video can simplify that information for an audience. Explainer videos, product demos, and tutorials can help to communicate complex information in a way that’s easy to understand, ultimately aiding the selling process.

2. B2B video improves your SEO.

When you embed videos on your website, not only are you increasing the possibility of improved engagement and higher conversion rates, but you’re also improving the SEO value of the pages. Search engines, like Google, are better able to index your pages with the use of videos from sites like YouTube and Vimeo, meaning your pages will appear higher in search results.

3. B2B video builds trust through testimonial.

B2B buyers are looking for simplicity to balance out the complexity of the pain points they are solving. Video simplifies concepts and offers the opportunity to see real people in talking head videos championing your business — showing body language and facial expressions, as well as providing words of positivity.

It’s far easier to believe that someone actually said something when you see them saying it. In fact, according to HubSpot, consumers and customers prefer ‘authentic’ video over artificial or salesy content — this is part of the reason influencer marketing is expected to grow significantly in 2024, with 50% of marketers who currently use influencer marketing planning to increase investment.

Due to this, you may be asking ‘how much does a marketing video cost?’. Well, if you are asking from an influencer marketing perspective, it varies hugely between creators and influencers, depending on factors such as the size of their audience and engagement rates. However, more generally speaking, it will depend on whether you choose to employ a video marketing firm. Video marketing companies are best placed to help you decide on the best way to approach incorporating video content in line with your business goals.

How can you prioritise B2B video production in your marketing strategy?

With the rise of sites like Vimeo and YouTube, social channels like LinkedIn and Twitter offering video content, and dramatic improvements in streaming quality, videos now appear in every stage of the marketing funnel.

There are as many forms of the marketing funnel available online as there are videos featuring cute cats — so we thought we’d add our own! This one, though, shows where videos fit into your process.

First, introduce your business (awareness), before providing education about what you do (consideration), explaining why what you do is exactly what a prospect needs (decision), then retaining the lead (delight).

Video outperformed the radio star.

For your business and marketing efforts, there’s little that’s more important when it comes to brand awareness and improving engagement than video. Given its increased consumption, and its proven success in communicating complex messages that engage and build trust, video has become a crucial component in a B2B marketing strategy.

Of course, video requires resources: time, money and equipment. And, as with any marketing tool, it will deliver results if done well.

The numbers speak to the benefit of B2B video marketing, it usually has a significant ROI, and it’s often less a question of whether you should do it, but who. You may ask yourself whether this is something you could do in-house, or whether you should consider employing an external agency with video marketing services, like Transform, to support your video marketing efforts.

For a more in-depth understanding of video marketing, sign-up to our newsletter to read our video marketing guide.


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