The last entry in our series of blogs about why we set up Transform Digital
So, I get to write the last entry in our series of blogs about why we set up Transform Digital and what we’re hoping to do. Hopefully, Veronica won’t mind if I say we’ve saved the best till last. This reason is very dear to my heart. I’m all about helping our clients get the most out of their digital marketing. I like to know that it’s really delivering the results they want. What’s the one question I’m most happy to be asked? How do I get more leads through digital marketing?
Let’s face it, we all smile when we get likes and hits on social media. But that warm glow soon fades when it doesn’t do anything towards paying our bills. To make digital marketing work properly, it has to drive potential customers to your website and through the doors of your premises.That’s a given. But I actually think that digital marketing can do even more for your business. I think it can prime your potential client so that by the time they get in touch, they’re ready to do business.Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Let me give you an example.You fancy a quick bite, so you hit Tripadvisor. You spot a restaurant in your area that serves your favourite type of food. You’ve driven past it a few times on the high street and you’ve always meant to stop and check out the menu. Maybe even peer through the window. So, you check the photos people have posted and the food and décor look great. The reviews are mainly five stars. You get straight in the car and head on over.You don’t bother to check the menu or the décor, you walk straight in and ask for a table. Do you know why? Because their digital marketing has sold you before you even smelled the meat sizzling in the kitchen.This is the power of digital marketing. If applied correctly, it not only generates leads, it does a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to converting them.
There are three main ways digital marketing generates leads. This is what I like to call the ‘VEV’ model.
The first way is through Visibility. You have to make sure your business is promoting itself in every place that people go online to search for your products or services. But it’s not enough to just be there, you have to stand out. Good digital marketing can help, by demonstrating what makes you different, and what puts you ahead of the competition.
The second part of the model is Endorsements. We all need input when we’re making a decision, especially if money is involved. And if it’s for our own business, we need to show due diligence. This is why endorsements from other clients are essential. At its most basic level, this means getting endorsements on LinkedIn and encouraging customers to leave us great Google reviews. At the more complex end, this means using the Earned, Shared and Owned channels of our PESO model, which we cover here on our site. (Okay, I know there are more models in this blog, than in the bedroom of an Airfix enthusiast, but stick with me okay).To take them in reverse order, on ‘Owned’ media, endorsements mean the testimonials you post, on your own website, from satisfied customers. You already know how useful these are in getting people to work with you.‘Shared’ media means using Social Media to get every endorsement and recommendation out to the people who need to know about you.‘Earned’, media means demonstrating what you do is important enough for the most influential commentators in your field to write about you. This can be everything from leading blogs and websites, to mainstream media. We can help you get the attention of these people and we can make sure everyone knows about it by helping you share it on social media and blog about it on your own site. This is how digital marketing can start to pay dividends.
Finally, the last part of the model is Values. Digital marketing is one of the best ways to demonstrate and promote the values that drive your business. This doesn’t mean you have to start posting videos of you and your staff hugging trees or rolling whales back into the ocean. Your values can be as simple as advocating sustainability in your area, being active in the community and supporting other local businesses. We all like to do business with people who think and feel the same way we do. If clients think you share their values, they’ll come looking for you. Digital marketing is one of the most effective and immediate ways to highlight your values to potential leads.If you get all three elements of the VEV model right, digital marketing will generate leads and prime them for conversion before your first conversation.This is why reason number five in our blog series, is my favourite. It’s also why I’m so excited about what we can do for you at Transform Digital. And I’m excited to hear your thoughts and feedback. So please do get in touch.