Beautiful animated video to explain the Picture Living renter experience

Discover how we made Picture Living a stunning animated video to explain how they are transforming their renter experience throughout the UK.

The Brief

With more than 1,700 rental properties under management, investment fund Picture Living needed to communicate the benefits of their properties quickly and clearly. Plus provide a clear explanation of the renting process to their thousands of renters.


The Solution

As part of our initial strategic session, we discussed the benefits of producing an animated video to showcase how Picture Living transforms the renter experience.  

Not only would this educate tenants on what to expect from a Picture Living property, it would act as content marketing for social media platforms to increase their reach and engagement.

As an animated video production agency, we worked closely with our sister company Transform Comms to produce a detailed storyboard with animation script and graphics that use Picture Living’s new brand colours and friendly tone of voice.        


The Results

A beautiful clean and crisp animated video that highlights exactly how Picture Living is transforming the rental experience. Friendly graphics in line with their new brand. Conveying all the benefits, simply and clearly. And a playful tone of voice that underpins how Picture Living makes renting stress-free.